The 21st Annual Competitive Challenges Conference
October 9-10, 2024   |  The Langham   |   Chicago

2022 Agenda

Winning Through Differentiation:
Sharpening Your Competitive Edge

In the post-pandemic environment, against a backdrop of evolving investor and employee considerations, the level of competition and consolidation has continued to ratchet up across the investment management industry. Externally, successful asset management firms need to clearly articulate a differentiated value proposition to clients, prospects and key influencers. Internally, managers need to continually review and adopt innovative business best practices to improve their efficiency and effectiveness as well as the value that they deliver.

Winning Through Differentiation: Sharpening Your Competitive Edge will be the central message at our 19th annual Competitive Challenges Conference. We’ll cover topical issues and actionable solutions based on interactive dialogues with executives from the asset management community. Featured panel sessions will help managers address ESG and how to make good on the promise of net-zero targets, maximize the impact of brand in a post COVID-19 environment, reimagine distribution strategies through data and technology, strengthen culture and talent development, and engage effectively with field consultants.

Time Tuesday, October 11th
5:00PM - 7:00PM

Registration & Welcome Reception

Time Wednesday, October 12th
7:00AM - 8:00AM

Onsite Registration & Breakfast

8:00AM - 9:00AM

Welcome Address and Overview of Industry
Presenter: Mark Buckley, Head of Investment Management at Coalition Greenwich

9:00AM - 10:00AM

Leveraging Brand as a Competitive Advantage

Coalition Greenwich research has highlighted the increasing importance of brand recognition in the institutional market. The perceptions of a trustworthy brand are positively correlated with key elements of the client experience. As managers seed to expand their client base, marketing teams will play an important role in articulating a clear and compelling narrative. What are best-in-class approaches to maximize brand impact and communicate differentiation? How can managers use their strong brand image to solidify opportunities? What insights were learned regarding brand image during the pandemic and what adjustments to brand strategy should be implemented going forward?


Rick Andrews
EVP Global Marketing Services
Franklin Templeton

Susan McMurry
Head of Marketing and Communications
Wellington Management

Dominica Ribeiro
Chief Marketing and Distribution Officer
Breckinridge Capital Advisors


Todd Glickson
Head of Investment Management - North America
Coalition Greenwich

10:00AM - 10:15AM

Break & Morning Snack

10:15AM - 11:15AM


Carol Geremia
President and Head of Global Distribution
MFS Investment Management

11:15AM - 12:15PM

Reimagining Distribution by Numbers (Data + Technology)

The pandemic has changed the ways in which distribution professionals engage with prospects. Shotgun approaches to regional coverage have proven expensive and ineffective. Managers are seeking to take more targeted approaches to identifying high priority accounts that are a good fit for their products and services. How can managers more effectively utilize data on asset owner demographics, consultant usage, persona types, and expected hiring to narrow the sales funnel and tailor marketing materials? How can CRM be used to empower sales professionals rather than simply supporting sales leadership?


Niall Quinn
Head of Institutional Business
Pictet Asset Management

Bryan Tamul
Vice President, Institutional Market Enablement
Fidelity Investments

Amanda Wilson
Managing Director, Head of US Institutional Sales & Relationship Management
Principal Global Investors


Parijat Banerjee
Head of Client Intelligence APAC
Markets and Investment Management
Coalition Greenwich

12:15PM - 1:30PM


1:30PM - 2:30PM


Russ Ivinjack
Senior Partner, Global Chief Investment Officer

2:30PM - 3:30PM

Delivering on ESG

ESG has rapidly risen from a fringe interest to a mainstay of the investment industry. But what does this really mean in practice? Investors are looking for managers to not only clearly articulate their approach but to also better communicate and evidence ESG-related outcomes. So how can managers differentiate their offerings and avoid falling into the greenwashing trap? And with sub-factors such as net zero and D&I gaining importance in their own right, how will these moving targets shape the portfolios of the future?


Michelle Dunstan
Chief Responsibility Officer; Senior Investment Advisor—Global ESG Improvers Strategy
AllianceBernstein (AB)

Sheri Hawkins
Global Head of Product
Northern Trust Asset Management

Adam Neal
Head of Institutional and Retirement Distribution, Canada
Manulife Investment Management


Sophie Emler
Senior Relationship Manager
Coalition Greenwich

3:30PM - 4:00PM

Break & Afternoon Snack

4:00PM - 5:00PM

Asset Management Hot Topics

Drawing on some of the themes covered during the day, this session offers an opportunity to participate in focused, curated roundtable discussions examining some of the pressing issues and challenges facing the asset management industry. Facilitated by the Coalition Greenwich team, attendees will be invited to share their views as they relate to the table topics, consider examples of best practice seen in the market and exchange ideas on how firms might look to differentiate themselves against a backdrop of evolving client needs.

Topics to be covered:

  • Thought Leadership
  • Digital Engagement
  • Consolidation and M&A
  • OCIO
6:00PM - 7:00PM

Cocktail Reception

7:00PM - 8:30PM

Plated Dinner

Time Thursday, October 13th
7:00AM - 8:00AM


8:00AM - 9:00AM


Jean-Philippe Lemay
Global President and Chief Executive Officer
Fiera Capital

9:00AM - 10:00AM

Engaging Field Consultants to Win the Minds of Clients

Investment consultants remain an important intermediary with over 75% of asset owners in North America and the U.K. having formal engagements. Research consultants conduct diligence and determine whether managers are fit for client portfolios. Field consultants, however, are on the ground with clients advising them on which managers to incorporate into those portfolios. How do you get the attention of these individuals? What information and insights do they most value? How do you shift the relationship from gate keeper to advocate to support retention and cross-sales?


Mike Manning
Managing Partner

George Tarlas
Senior Managing Director
Asset Consulting Group

William Torre
Vice President
Marquette Associates


Susan Gould
Senior Relationship Manager
Coalition Greenwich

10:00AM - 10:15AM

Break & Morning Snack

10:15AM - 11:15AM

Market Overview on Digital Assets

David Easthope
Senior Analyst, Head of FinTech, Market Structure & Technology
Coalition Greenwich

11:15AM - 12:15PM

Championing Talent, Employee Engagement & Corporate Culture

As the global pandemic recedes, the search for talent is underway across all industries, including asset management. Employee preferences and practices have evolved, as have approaches to building and sustaining differentiated and innovative corporate cultures. How can asset managers most effectively acquire new talent? What are the keys to maintaining high levels of employee engagement and retention? How do managers build and reinforce a strong, distinctive and innovative corporate culture in the new normal?


Heidi Albert
Research Manager
William Blair Investment Management

Andrew Blane
Senior Partner
Kingsley Gate Partners

Pamela Peace
Principal/Head of North America Client Management
PGIM Fixed Income


Sophie Emler
Senior Relationship Manager
Coalition Greenwich

12:15PM - 1:30PM

Box Lunch & Networking